Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thoughts for Thanksgiving

This morning I read an article, When Poor Health and the Holidays Collide, by Toni Bernhard, J.D., and it ignited a trail of thoughts about things for which I am thankful.

I am thankful:
  • for my family's support when I need to rest.
  • that I awoke this morning with minimal pain.
  • for my children, who help me in the kitchen even when it is not a holiday.
  • for the opportunities for health care and support I can access locally.
  • for the woodpecker at the suet cake hanging outside my window, who always is nearby when I need to see a splash of color.
  • for spontaneous happenings that make me laugh.
  • for the warning signs my body gives before I sublux a joint.
  • that I have learned to listen to my body's needs, and am learning to attend to those needs.
  • that I can still type.
I wish everyone a warm, healthy, and happy Thanksgiving!

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